Magnificent Systems

About us
We are a bundle of embers, stronger when closer and together, a tight-knit group of very talented people who can take your dreams and bring them to reality. Our company was built in a spirit of unity and team synergy, art and technical skill, of various areas of knowledge, allowing us to be your one-stop shop for software projects, able to integrate any specialized technology you may seek.
Magnificent Systems focused on all spheres of Software, including Quality Assurance, UX/UI design, software architecture, software development and hardware integration.
The company’s activities are proudly based in Montreal, Quebec, one of the major tech hubs of the world.

Magnificent Systems began as our founder’s dream: to bring humanity and arts to the world of Computer Software and Computer Hardware. This new focus has allowed Magnificent Systems to flourish into a team of valued people who love their craft and participate fully in the achievements of our business.
Phil & his team look forward to realizing the unique and tailor-made upgrades you need and deserve.

Our team
Our partners

Our supporters
Raymond W.,
Giovanni G.,
Camille A.,
Gabriel W.,
Frederic A.,
Faraz Band,
- info@magnificentsystems. com
- +1 (514) 667 9502 (Canada)
- +1 (888) 507 6659 (US Toll Free)
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